Board Meeting Summary from 6th of October 2015
  • Meeting opened 6:10pm

  • The previous minutes of the Board meetings held on 7 September 2015 were received, taken as read, and accepted as a true and accurate record.

  • Board endorsed for Clyde to continue working on the actions section (who and when) of the document, advising that there had been limited feedback from members of the Club to date. The specific strategies (yellow column) were noted and members were to read and provide Clyde with feedback.

  • Board endorsed Hugh Springer to order 1 set of tickets (approx 2000) and to manage project, with Greg Warry assisting.  Tickets to be distributed in advance to all members and sold at Breakfast Creek Hotel on Melbourne Cup day. Clyde informed meeting that a late email from Hugh had indicated he has purchased 1 set for $400, with folding, sorting and stapling yet to do.

  • Conoco Philips – 4 nominations received so far, 3 from Clayfield College and one from Kelvin Grove. Still capacity for another 2 spots, to be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
  • ACU – Mike has been in contact with ACU in order to establish a working relationship. The University’s pro-vice chancellor is due to get back to Mike soon, with a view to obtaining a RYLA nomination.
  • Youth Exchange – The two students sponsored by the Club will be leaving around 16 January. Mike to continue to keep in touch with them with a view to having them get involved in some Club meets and activities before they leave. E.g. Movie night, Commissioners visit, Christmas function. The Board agreed that Student visits to Club meetings should be free, but accompanying parents to pay.
  • Ascot State School – Club to continue with giving out year 6  awards at their annual awards day. Mike and Marcel to review what we did last year.
  • Next meeting will be on Tuesday 9 November 2015.